In his book "Technology's Promise', William Halal predicts that in the year 2025 (+- 5 years) a network of intelligent highways will begin to grow. These highways will be equipped with the necessary sens0rs to take over the cars driving on them. Cars will form chains of bumper to bumper traffic going at speeds of 70 mph. This will help to increase the capacity of the highway system. GM and others has been working on this system for years now. Progress is being made. The cost of these highways would be about $10,000 per mile. The current cost of highways ranges from $1 to $100 million per mile. SO the cost doe not seem to be excessive.
The real question here is "do people really trust a computer system to control there car feet from the car in front of them at 70 mph." I do not think the technology will be the problem but rather the ethics of this will be.
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